Saturday, November 22, 2008

Plant Yourself in the Good...

Matthew 13 contains the Parable of the Sower. Jesus is speaking and teaching the people of what happens to us if our faith and our doctrine and our Biblical knowledge is too shallow or too dry.

Jesus speaks of seed being sown on a path, a rocky place, in thorns, and lastly on good soil. So many things pop out at us in this passage, a path is somewhere where there is nothing there. It's empty. Desolate. There is nothing for the seed to even land in. Therefore just as Jesus said, the birds come and eat them up. If we have nothing behind us, no Biblical knowledge and no doctrine to live by, then we fall having gained nothing but lost everything.

Secondly, the seed falls on a rocky place where there is just enough dirt for the seed to plant itself and spring up quickly. The bad thing about a plant that springs up too quickly is that it can easily be scorched by the sun, which makes it wither and die. Too many Christians get into this practice of getting 'just enough' on Sunday to make it to Wednesday and then hopefully they can make it to the next Sunday. Believe me I'm guilty of this same thing, living the life I wanted before church on Sunday, then leaving church full of life and happy because "Today is the day I'm going to change my life!" and then of course I kept going the way I'd been going. Jesus is strictly warning us of this and how it will end in nothing. Why waste our time getting a little here & a little there? Why not give ourselves completely to God, so that we don't have to ride the rollercoaster?

Third, the seed falls on a place full of thorns. Christians, especially new Christians find themselves falling so fast and so easy whenever they're faced with some sort of temptation. Again, I've been a victim of this. I would go to this awesome youth event and get everything in my life straightened out, but when I'd go back into the real world...things changed. I always found myself falling, over and over and over. It was exactly like the old cliche, a roller coaster. My life would be so good, then so bad, so good, then so bad. Time after time Christians fall just because they have no knowledge of God, and no fear of God. No fear of the One who created this world and every person and animal on it. Ridiculous to think that we, measly humans, can sin against THE God. Just think that every time we sin, it's like looking at God and saying "Thanks for the world, animals, family, and breath to live on; but you're not that great" That's insane! But that's what not knowing God gets us to, and being an unknowing Christian thrown into a world full of sin get us. It gets us nothing, it gets us hurt, and it leaves us in a rut where we think we can't get out. Jesus is your way out of that rut.

Lastly, Jesus tells us that when the seed is scattered on good soil, it produces a crop hundred, sixty, or thirty times the amount that was sown! That's amazing to me. If we just plant ourselves in the Word and plant ourselves in God then we will not only grow, but we can produce over and over and over again what God has for us. Producing is not something that is just for us, it's for God. God reaps what we sow, that is the heart of Christianity. We must give ourselves to a greater calling. Producing encompasses providing information and knowledge to those that don't, and are in need. It's such a great feeling to give someone something that you know they really want. Christmas is my favorite holiday, not only because of the celebration of Jesus' birth and the gifts that we get. But I love being able to give to my family the things that they asked for or even things that they didn't ask for and we know they want. It's amazing to see the reaction when they open the gift, that's one of the greatest feelings in the world. We must first plant ourselves in the good soil in order to grow and then produce. We have to give our gift, the gift of the Savior, to those that need it so that they can grow and multiply the gift over and over. I urge us all to go read Matthew 13 and the Parable of the Sower, we have to get into the Word and plant ourselves in the good Soil...


Mark Sparks said...

time to update bro.